February 26, 2022
This Friday there will be no PM classes, only heats of Open Workout 22.2. Heats start at 3:30. FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS IS BACK.
Bench Press 3-3-2-1-1 (80-100%)
Db Row 3-3-3-3 (4 sets b/t the 5 bench press sets)
With a partner complete as many cals as possible with a 20 minute clock.
P1 - Bikes
P2 - 10 burpees, 20 russian twists w/plate (15/25), 30 mountain climbers, 20 yd s/a pinch grip carry R & L arm, 1 Rope climb.
*When P2 finsihes chipper, switch. Continue switching until the 20:00 mark.