CrossFit class times are listed above in white.
Skill and Olympic Lifting class in green.
60+ classes “NEVER too late to start” in blue.
Open Gym Hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 5AM-9PM. Key fob potentially needed for open gym during 10am - 4pm & a key fob is needed for open gym 7pm - 9pm.
Thursday 5AM-9PM. Key fob needed. If you are dropping in, please call ahead so we can get you access.
Saturday 7AM-6PM. Key fob needed to enter the gym after 10am.
Sunday 7AM-6PM. Key fob needed to enter the gym.
*Please respect the needs of the class if you’re training on your own during class hours. Thanks in advance!
Holiday Hours Vary - Call us for more info around the holidays.