May 15, 2020
Re-opening Update
Good evening everybody. Thank you for taking the time to fill out our survey. We received some good feedback.
From the survey I saw 85% of our members wished to come back Monday and several have listed 5am would be a time they could see themselves attending. That was a HUGE part of this survey was to see who would need early bird hours.
Moreover what I saw on the survey was that the times people clicked were very consistent with some of our former class times which isn’t unnatural since a lot of our population trains before work and a lot trains after work. It is also balanced throughout the day which keeps us within our guidelines to follow.
With that information now on paper and with the number of members we currently have we are not worried about going over capacity and will operate with the following class schedule.
(Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday) 5, 6, and 9AM, and 4, 5, and 6PM, with open gym in between classes
(Saturday) 7,8, and 9AM, with open gym until 12PM
(Thursday/Sunday) - Open Gym times TBD
Additional classes will be added as needed in the future.
10min AMRAP burpee box step ups
50 v-ups
50 hollow rocks
2 min straddle stretch.