May 14, 2020

Re-opening Announcement

On Monday, May 18th our gym will once again be open for business, though with a few operational changes. 

First, we are so excited to open our doors and see all of you! It has been a long two months and it’s going to feel great to start training together again.

That being said, we are 100% committed to providing a safe environment for all of our members and have been closely monitoring the recommendations of the Iowa Department of Public Health for social distancing and cleaning guidelines.

For the first week we are not planning on holding classes, but instead operating as an open gym. Members will be able to reserve a block of time to come in and complete a workout. This is not a private reservation and other people will be able to come into the gym at the same time. New workouts will be written on the whiteboard each day and there will always be a coaches available for guidance.

We have not established a schedule yet, and are looking for your feedback for operating hours. If you plan on returning to the gym next week, please fill out our re-opening survey before Friday, May 15th.

Other considerations:

If you borrowed equipment, please bring it back this weekend. I will be at the gym 8AM-1PM Saturday and Sunday.

Members will be asked to wash their hands upon entering the gym.

Disinfecting supplies will be available and members will be required to clean all equipment and surfaces used during your session.

Childcare will not be provided through the month of May.

Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about returning to the gym. 

See you all soon!


100 DU’s (jumping jacks or SU’s)

40 pistol squats (lunges or step-ups)

100 DU’s

30 pistol squats

100 DU’s

20 pistol squats


2 min. couch stretch

2 min. Q/L stretch

Meredith Roethler