March 30, 2021

Bring a friend day is this Friday. Here is the link for your buddy to sign up.


(ps+hps) 3x2 (75,77,80% of ps) E:2:30. snatch pull 3x2 @100% E:90's.

WRT: 40/50 cal row, 40 hrpu, 30 alt kb sdl hp (35/55), 20 strict pull ups....Rest 3 minutes....20 strict pull ups, 30 alt kb sdl hp, 40 hrpu, 50 cal ski.

Beginner: 30/40 cal row, 30 hrpu, 20 alt kb sdl hp (25/35), 10 strict pull ups....Rest 3 minutes....10 strict pull ups, 20 alt kb sdl hp, 30 hrpu, 40 cal ski.

WODMeredith Roethler