July 30, 2020

Thank you for your effort everyone. I’m amazed at the continued progress so many people are making. I see progress in more areas than just performance. I’m seeing progress with attendance. I see physical progress in so many of you who are trying to add lean muscle and burn fat. I see progress with the community and noticing more people getting to know more people from other classes and that’s a really cool thing. We’ve been tested this week so make sure you’re taking good care of yourself outside the gym. Your body has earned itself some nutritious food and a good nights sleep. Give it that.

Yoga at 9:00

Reminder: Extended open gym hours have started!

A coach/supervisor may not be present during these hours until “closing time,” so remember these are not “service hours”. Lights and music will be on. Please refrain from opening garage doors without a staff member there. Fans are free game to turn on if its warm. As always wipe down everything you use. Be responsible. Thanks in advance.


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. 5am - 10pm. (7pm-10pm)-extension

Friday 5am-7pm

Saturday 7am-7pm. (10am-7pm)-extension

Sunday- Closed. Open gym hours vary and will be announced through Instagram story.

WODMeredith Roethler