July 29, 2020

Today we are celebrating the life of one of the happiest and most positive people we’ve ever had at the gym. Clinton was taken way too soon and our community found out a year ago today. He impacted everyone around him with his positivity and friendliness. We’ve missed him dearly and today we’re going to remember Clinton through his workout. We miss ya dude. As you used to say before the workout would start…”Let’s rip it!”

“Clinton” 26 power clean and jerks (95/135). Rest 5 minutes then begin a 26 minute amrap of 26 toes to bar, 100m run, 26 burpees, 100m run, 26 pull ups, 100m run.

Reminder: Extended open gym hours have started!

A coach/supervisor may not be present during these hours until “closing time,” so remember these are not “service hours”. Lights and music will be on. Please refrain from opening garage doors without a staff member there. Fans are free game to turn on if its warm. As always wipe down everything you use. Be responsible. Thanks in advance.


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. 5am - 10pm. (7pm-10pm)-extension

Friday 5am-7pm

Saturday 7am-7pm. (10am-7pm)-extension

Sunday- Closed. Open gym hours vary and will be announced through Instagram story.

WODMeredith Roethler