January 29, 2021
30-20-10 db bench press (35/50), cal bike, ring row
Intent: muscle endurance with the horizontal press and pull pattern. You want to use a weight that you can do at least 10 reps unbroken with. Same goes for the ring row. If you can do an inverted ring row for 10+ go for it. But if that presents too much of a challenge then back the feet up some and make sure you’re going full range of motion. Hit the bike hard to get yourself out of breath. You’ll collect your wind as you chip away reps of the bench presses and ring rows.
Stretching after workouts is important to do. Please keep in mind that when we train (especially with free weights) we are performing contractions of our muscles and are making them shorten throughout the workout. They get tighter from the workout naturally. So, it is important to stretch after your workout for this reason and return your muscle groups that you trained back to their natural length. This will also help them recover faster and your range of motion will be on a track towards improvement instead of a track towards stiffness.
Childcare: If anyone is interested in helping out with Childcare for 9am please send us an email or dm us on our instagram. Thanks in advance.