January 16, 2021


WRT. HC 6x1 @85-95% E2min. Practice 6x3 70%

4 RFT (20 min cap): 16 back rack lunges @50% of your final hang clean, 2 rope climbs, 16 burpees over the bar any style, 2 rope climbs,

LIT: Dual db hc 6x5

4 RFT (20 min cap): 16 farmer lunges with db's, 2 hoh sled pulls, 16 burpees over db's, 2 hoh sled pulls.

Intent: Absolute strength with the hang clean. Metcon- strength endurance with the back rack lunge paired with over bar burpees. Between the two movements we’re challenging our rope climbing ability under fatigue. This is a workout that will mainly tax the aerobic system but certain efforts will pull energy from our Anaerobic system.

WODMeredith Roethler