January 15, 2021


Bench Press 4x8 ss wtd pull overs 70-80%

WRT 25min AMRAP 2 RMU, 5 SHSPU, 10 1 Arm DB Cleans(35/50).

LIT 25min AMRAP: 12 cal ski, 8 s/a db strict press each side, 10 1 arm db cleans 35/50

Intent: Strength / Hypertrophy development with bench press and lat pull overs. Metcon is intended to challenge your gymnastics over a longer duration with higher skills while also piecing in a db squat clean to further tax the grip and add variation to the conditioning. Use the clock to help you stay consistent round to round with these movements. If you’re on the Lifestyle Improvement track today the goal is as always to keep it simple and push to get a good sweat. Avoid coming out to hot on that ski erg and again as with the well rounded track, use the clock to help you stay consistent round to round.

WODMeredith Roethler