April 15, 2021

Vaccine opportunity (If you already have gotten a shot ignore): A member of the gym has a connection with the covid vaccine and volunteers his time to administer the shot to folks who are getting it. He brought it to our attention that we could have a clinic here in 2 weeks for anyone who is a member of the gym to get the first dose and then 3 weeks or however long later receive the 2nd dose. It would be Thursday April 29. We don’t have specifics on a time yet but he also wanted to let you know that if you have insurance it would be beneficial to have them cover it or the fed would cover it if you don’t have insurance. Either way is fine but they preferred your insurance take care of it if you have it…Furthermore I know several of you mentioned you were still waiting in line to receive a shot so if this is something your interested in please fill out this questionnaire so we can pass along the interest level and get an idea of supply needed for our community of people who still are waiting to get a dose. The day of “the shot” there will be paper work and shit to fill out of course so be prepared for that he said. Thanks for reading. -Aus

Run Club at 6pm

Open Gym 5am - 9pm

40min 30sec table top, 30sec nose to wall HS hold, 30sec split hold EW, 30 sec L-hang.

WODMeredith Roethler