January 13, 2021
WRT: Hang Snatch 6x1 @85-95% E:2min : Practice : 6x3 @70-80% E:2min
4 RFT 400m run and 12 PS (95/135). 20min cap
LIT: 6 sets: 10 kb swings + 3 vertical jumps for ht E:2min
4 RFT 400m run and 12 SDLHP (95/135)
Intent: Absolute strength and coordination development with the hang snatch: The snatch is the most demanding barbell exercise and requires a lot of focus. We are working on timing, speed, balance, power, strength, etc. If you don’t feel very confident with this exercise stick to the practice sets at lighter loads or get some good speed and power work in with the Lifestyle improvement track. As for the wod we are trying to make a moderate wt power snatch aerobic with a short distance run. This requires discipline on round one so don’t start too aggressive. You can definitely push on this workout but try making that move on round 3 instead of 1. Unless the prescribed weight is very easy, you should be attacking this workout with quick singles. If you’re taking longer than 15s between reps you may have gone too heavy so pick your weight accordingly.