January 12, 2021
Back Squats 6-3-1-1-1-3 70-97%,
OHP 6-3-1-1-1-3: superset with 10 hollow rocks and 10 arch rocks.
4x8 wtd Hip ext.
4x8 strict ttb
Intent: Strength development with the squat and over head press. Accessory exercises are intended to help build strength with hip extension and hip flexion along with midline stability. Building strength is key to being functionally fit and having control of living your life. The work outside of the gym is as important as the work you put in the gym. Reload your fuel tanks because muscle glycogen will be low. If possible it’s always best to have a post workout shake made up of protein and carbohydrates. A generic shake would be chocolate whey protein and vitargo. Try to consume within 40 minutes of training!