August 25, 2020

WOD: Strength focus.

6x1 @ 85-95% Power Snatch + Snatch


5x2 @ 85-95% Front Squats

5x2 @ 85-95% Deadlift

4x8 db reverse Lunges (total).

Post Wod

3x12 T's, 90/90s, snow angels

NEW - Starting August 31, which is next Monday we are adding in a 7am class to the schedule for (M,T,W,F)

The 2020 Kilo Doubles Comp is open for registration! Go to our landing page and scroll down to learn more. Grab a partner and compete or help us judge! We are very excited for this competition as always!

Kilo2 running club starts this Thursday at 6pm. Moneer has a neat run planned out that is on a path and away from traffic. This isn’t for time this is for fun.

WODMeredith Roethler