June 8, 2020

LIFT: 6X5 DL @ 70-85% Superset with 5 deficit strict HSPU.

WOD: LIFT: 6X5 DL @ 70-85% Superset with 5 strict HSPU. WOD 3 rounds: 12/15 cal bike, 2 rope climbs. Rest 2 minutes between rounds.

Hey you guys. A lot has been going on and some of you may have come across something on social media that is shaking the CrossFit world a little bit. The founder of CrossFit said something that wasn’t nice to say and I don’t stand by his words, nor does our staff.

The great thing about CrossFit affiliation is we are free to steer our own boat. The founder doesn’t. One man thankfully does not control what we stand for nor control what we do. Our community is strong. We will continue to move forward. Things will unfold in the next few days and as they unfold, hopefully it will be in a way that allows CrossFit to move forward as well. While those things unfold I want to again thank you for your support and respect to our beloved community that we all cherish. Inside our four walls I think of encouragement, respect, hard work, friendship, passion, joy, positivity, and so many other beautiful characteristics that portray our wonderful gym family. It continues to bring people through our doors and want to be apart of what we all experience. I’m looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow. Have a good night!


WODMeredith Roethler