March 21, 2020

Guilty pleasure alert. Meredith and I both LOVE chocolate. We enjoy trying different kinds of chocolate and we enjoy savoring it. So, what we do for a little dessert after supper is break off a tiny piece of chocolate. We know not to eat the whole thing otherwise the other person can’t enjoy any. We also try and make it last the whole week or until we go grocery shopping next so that way we don’t have a cupboard full of sweets. We just have 1 or maybe 2 chocolate bars. The nice thing about keeping the quantity low is that your treats stay fresh! Gotta live a little right? It also means when you go to the fridge or cupboard repeatedly (also guilty) you’ll be more likely to be snacking on healthy foods. Some of our favorites to eat or prepare are baby carrots, bell pepper sticks, grapes, apple wedges and peanut butter, hard boiled egg, cauliflower, and some mixed nuts.

Wod: WOD: Bike 20/30cal, 400m run, 5 legless climbs(15'), 60 SA DB C&J(35/50), 70 burpee on and over BJ, 80 TTB, 9 Wall Walks, 100 Front Rack Lunges(30/40). no cap

@HOMEWOD: warm up to run to a park with a pull up bar or if you have a pull up bar at home run 1.5 miles. rest 1 min. Then do a 15s chin above bar L-hang / knee above hip. rest until the top of the minute @ 1:00 complete 5-10 strict pull ups (scale with an assisted pull up / row) and 10-20yd hsw or 20 yd bear crawl. rest until 3:00 then repeat. 5 rounds total. Run home. 

WODMeredith Roethler