March 20, 2020
Happy Friday!
WOD: LIFT: 6x3 DL 70-90%. S.S. w/ 3 OHP. WOD: "MARY" 20MIN AMRAP 5 Handstand push-ups, 10 1-legged squats,15 Pull-ups
6min emom- 12 s/a oh reverse lunge. evens use right arm odds use left.
rest 2 min.
6min emom s/a thruster. evens use right arm odds use left.
rest 2 min.
6min emom. evens 6-12 shspu, odds 12 goblet step ups to box or chair.
If your odd object isn’t all that heavy, you can add some reps into the workout!
1. Goblet reverse lunge if going overhead is problematic.
2. Goblet squats if the overhead is troublesome.
3. Pike push ups / push ups or you can substitute 2-3 wall walks.