March 19, 2020
Good evening everyone. I was encouraged to receive a lot of interest about picking up equipment to keep yourselves moving during the day. I will be at the gym tomorrow from 8am until probably 1 or 2. Again if you haven’t picked up a piece of equipment, come on in at 8 tomorrow to grab something quick. Feel free to DM the IG any time you want to get in touch or have any questions.
Here are a few things to keep in mind when you’re working with those odd objects like a dumbbell or kettlebell.
Do what you know first. Trying something out of the ordinary day one and risking an injury may not be the best way to start this quarantine fitness cycle :p
Don’t forget to warm up! Here are some things to follow.
Start slowly and slowly build speed moving your body only to get some blood flowing and increase your body temperature a little bit.
Ask yourself what you’re about to do with your training and think about what you would of done in class at the gym for a warm up! :)
Some dynamic stretching is always a good way to go…if you’re confused on what that is just think leg kick walk, Romanian deadlift walk, heel to butt quad pulls, lateral lunges, pass throughs etc.
Another great way to warm up is with some static holds. Some examples are tall plank holds, hand stand holds, wall sits or an active squat hold in space, hollow holds, super mans, hip bridges, etc.
Finally low rep or set practice with your object is a great way to finish your warm up before you decide to pick the tempo up a bit. Cheers.
WOD: LIFT: 2 PS + 2 HPS @ 70-80%. Wod- 15 min amrap: row 15 calories, bear crawl 30 yards, s/a farmer carry 30 yards / arm.
@HOMEWOD : 3-5 mile trail hike / walk. 4x15-25 v-ups ss w/ 20s bird dog hold each side.