October 2, 2019
Check out our October news here!
Reminder: If you are doing the Live Well challenge - get your PRE challenge body comp scans done by the end of this week! Scans take less than 5 minutes and should be done before class. Ask a coach to help you with the scale. YOU are responsible for making sure this gets done!
Gold: 3 rounds for time of 1k Row, 50 Double Unders, 30yd HSW, 5 Deadlift (9RPE)
Silver: 3 rounds for time of 1k Row, 100 Single Unders, 50yd Bear Crawl, 5 Deadlift (8RPE)
Bronze: 3 rounds for time of 1k Row, 100 Single Unders, 50yd Bear Crawl, 5 KB Deadlift.
Rx Performance: 3 rounds for time of 1k Row, 100 Double Unders, 50yd HSW, 5 Deadlift (130/200)