Live Well Update: Better bedtime habits

Do you have trouble getting to bed or falling asleep at night? Do you feel more tired waking up than you did when you went to bed? Try incorporating some of these bedtime habits for more deep, peaceful rest and better recovery!

  1. Keep a regular schedule. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same times. With a regular schedule, your body will know when to release calming hormones before bed and stimulating hormones to wake you up.

  2. Avoid coffee after noon. It’s best to avoid caffeine for 8-9 hours before you go to bed.

  3. Turn off electronics. Unplug from all screens at least 30 minutes before bed. This includes television, computers, and smartphones. The screens release a blue light that prevents our brain from preparing for sleep.

  4. Keep the room dark. This means curtains, shades, and / or a sleep mask.

  5. Keep it cool. Anywhere from 60-68 F appears to work best at night.

  6. Stretch / read / de-stress before bed. Consider trying some yoga poses, reading, or meditation to help clear your mind and calm your brain.

  7. Exercise regularly. Physical movement (especially outdoors) can promote restful sleep at night.

  8. Take a bath or shower. A warm bath or shower can promote restful sleep.

  9. Have a clutter-free bedroom. Put away clothes, avoid clutter on your bedside table, etc.