August 23, 2019
Check out our August newsletter here.
Back-to-School special for students! Unlimited CrossFit for only $90/month. Tell your friends and family headed back to school this Fall!
Bring A Friend day on Saturday, August 31st
RX: 18min AMRAP increasing by 3. Starting with 3 Thrusters (65/95) and 3 Strict Pull Ups.
Gold: 18min AMRAP increasing by 3. Starting with 3 Thrusters (65/95) and 3 Strict Pull Ups.
Silver: 18min for Reps increasing by 3. Sarting with 3 Thrusters (bar) and 3 Jumping Pull Ups.
No Bar: 18min for Reps increasing by 3. Sarting with 3 DB Thrusters and 3 Ring Rows.