July 31, 2019
Check out our July newsletter here!
The CrossFit Games begin THIS week on Thursday, Aug. 1st. Luke will be competing with Team OC3 Black! Watch coverage on YouTube or Games.CrossFit.com! The CrossFit Games event guide app is also available for easy access to the schedule of events and leaderboard.
Due to the CrossFit Games this week - this Wednesday (tonight) and Friday we will be having class at 4PM, 5PM, and 6PM! We will have normal class times in the morning.
Childcare Update: Childcare will only be available at 5:15 PM and 9:30AM on Saturdays beginning this month. Be sure to check the new schedule when we post it in early August.
RX: 30min Clock 10 Rounds of 2 Snatches @ 80-90%, Bench 5x8 @ 70% and 5x5 @ 80%, 8 weighted pull ups, 8 weighted dips.
Gold: 30min Clock 10 Rounds of 2 Snatches @ 80-90%, Bench 5x8 @ 70% and 5x5 @ 80%, 8 weighted pull ups, 8 weighted dips.
Silver: 30min Clock 10 Rounds of 3 Snatches, Bench 5x8 and 5x5, 8 pull ups, 8 dips.
No Bar: 30min AMRAP of 30 burpees, 300m shuttle run, 30 Butterfly Sit ups.