July 25, 2019

Check out our July newsletter here!

Bring a Friend Day THIS Saturday, July 27th! Friends can attend our 8:30 or 9:30AM class - have them register ahead of time here.

Childcare Update: We have found nanny’s for afternoon childcare at 5:15 along with childcare on Saturday’s at 9:30AM. Be sure to check the new schedule when we post it in early August.

Sweat & Stretch at 8AM and noon

WOD at 5, 6, & 9AM, 4:30 and 6PM

WOD: Chin Up Progression Wk 3 4x20-30 sec Pull-up Negative + 5 IYT w/ small plates, 8:00 AMRAP 5 SB to Shoulder + 1 Rope Climb, Rest 2:00, 8:00 AMRAP SB Bearhug Carry + 6-8 TTB/TAH

WODMeredith Roethler