March 16, 2022
Hand written letter to another: By the end of this week, pick out 1 or more people to write a hand written letter to. When you’re done, put it in an envelope and write their first and last name on the envelope and give it to a coach. We will deliver the mail the following week. If you receive a letter, you have to respond following the same guidelines and we’ll hand deliver that the next week :)
W/Partner alt. rds to 20 or rest 1:1 with yourself 9/12 cal ski 9 dual db or kb sumo dead lifts (20/35)* if using db only tap the front of db to floor 12 single leg single unders consecutively each leg
harder (35/50) single leg double unders
easier 6/9 cals, 6 kb sdl (1 kb)