July 24, 2020

Lift: 10 min. to find max OHP
Run 1.5 Miles, row 3000m, 300 DU’s. 30min cap. (any order)

Reminder: Extended open gym hours started this week!

A coach/supervisor may not be present during these hours until “closing time,” so remember these are not “service hours”. Lights and music will be on. Please refrain from opening garage doors without a staff member there. Fans are free game to turn on if its warm. As always wipe down everything you use. Be responsible. Thanks in advance.


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. 5am - 10pm. (7pm-10pm)-extension

Friday 5am-7pm

Saturday 7am-7pm. (10am-7pm)-extension

Sunday- Closed. Open gym hours vary and will be announced through Instagram story.

WODMeredith Roethler