February 22, 2021
Few things to look forward to.
Bring a friend day is this Friday. Here is the link for your friend to use to sign up and fill out a waiver form.
We are going to use 2 days of our week to piece in some work to help build the strict pull up and strict hspu! So if you’re aiming on getting your first strict pull / push up or trying to get multiple reps you’re not going to want to miss out on Thursdays and Saturdays FYI
The open is approaching! Haven’t heard of it? It is the big event of the year that every gym within the CrossFit community looks forward to as an annual test of fitness. Each year we do what we like to call Friday Night Lights. It is where we all come into the gym and do the workout and cheer each other on. It helps bring out the best in people. If you aren’t into the whole competition thing no big deal. You can cheer on your classmates who want to give the open workouts a go and be apart of a fun evening at the gym!
A couple new episodes will be published soon on the Kilotrained Podcast so stay tuned and give those a listen!
WRT: 3 RFT 1 RMU, 9 hang power cleans(75/115), 7 push jerks, 30 double-unders
LIT: 10 cal ski, 9 db hang pc 35/50, 7 push press, 30 single unders with drag rope.