November 1, 2021

Our 5th annual Doubles Competition turned out to be a really fun event yet again. Thank you to all the volunteers who helped everything run so smooth! Mother Nature also played her role and gave the teams some wonderful weather to compete in! Lastly thanks to the Fab Lab, our next door neighbors who let us borrow their space for a warm up area and that made a really big difference in this years competition for the athletes. There were plenty of highlights throughout the day from the scaled and rx athletes but what was just as much fun to watch was the kids competition. Young Lola Doster brought home the gold in the6-8 division and her older sister Liza came in 2nd place in the 9-12 year old division.

A few other great performances from the past couple weeks are Doc Natalie and Joanna Kyte both won their division in the bench press competition that was put on at the University of Iowa campus. And Docs daughter Khali took a first place finish and 4th place finish in 2 previous races that were 10k and 5k. Nice work ladies!

This week we will have wods only for class. Next week we will be ramping the strength backup. So enjoy this week. Not saying it will be easy though either ;)


6 sets. 1 sets every 4 minutes

400/500m row into 10 burpee pull ups on the odd sets

400/500m row into 25 wall balls on the even sets

Rest the remainder of the set when you finish the bpu/wb.

WODMeredith Roethler