June 12, 2021
Please remember to put away your Thera guns and weights after using them. Thank you.
Back Squat 3,2,1,1,1
Same RX. If you're feeling good pr. Otherwise stay under 95%
For time: 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1
Power Cleans on the EVEN REPS
Wall walks on the ODD REPS
Power clean reps and %'s:10-50%, 8-60%, 6-70%, 4-80%, 2-90%
Beginners stay at the same weight entire workout and only do 3 wall walks each round.
Workout Flow: Do 10 PC, then do 9 wall walks, then do 8 power cleans, etc.
20 min cap.
Assault bikes for sale $500. Message Austin if you’re interested. 3 are sold! Only 5 remain.