August 10, 2021
10 sets - E 90s
2 box jump at a high target. Start with a platform you’re confident in and work your way up.
1 speed ladder + sprint. Sets 1-3 70% effort sprint. Sets 4-6 85% effort sprint. Sets 7-10 100% effort sprint
300m s/a farmer carry (35/55)
6 Turkish get ups (3 each side)
30 s/a russian kbs (15 each side)
I asked a few people today what they had for breakfast. Overall what I gathered is that carb intake is very high, which is A-OK if you know you’re super active and need the fuel. I also gathered that protein intake is very low. Which no matter who you are isn’t a good thing. Do a little research and see how much protein you’re actually eating with your meals by looking at the serving info and add it up. A general % is a 40-30-30 split (40% carbs- 30% protein- 30% fat). Most people are very surprised with how much protein they should be eating and how short they are with their daily consumption. It may be the reason you’re not at where you want to be. If you’re cool with where you’re at then keep doing what your doing! YOU ROCK!
Do a little homework and find out how much protein you’re actually eating and it will be a real game changer! If you want help shoot me an email - Aus