Things are almost ready to roll with the sauna which is very exciting. Here are a few things.
There will be a set of rules listed that we expect users to follow first and foremost for your safety. Also the rules will help keep our sauna clean, and allow for everyone to have a good experience. Fool me once strike one. Fool me twice Strike 3 policy!
Before using the sauna you must let us know that you want to upgrade your membership to get unlimited use of the sauna. If you don’t want the unlimited package drop ins are $10 / use for members $20 / use for non-members. The unlimited add-on is $10 / month added to your monthly membership. You can upgrade your membership as soon as this MONDAY. Not too much longer and you will be able to use it.
In order to gain access to the sauna you must sign up for a session. Sessions are 30 minutes. The sign up can be seen on zen planner if you have the (unlimited crossfit+sauna membership). If you don’t have that membership. then you won’t be able to see the sessions. Sessions are every 30 minutes. You will see all the times on the zen planner calendar when you login. There is a lot to choose from! This is important because unlike class that you don’t have to sign up for there are only 3 spots in the sauna. I imagine this to be a hot commodity on Thursdays / Saturdays / Sundays. So if you plan on just randomly showing up to use the sauna, think again…You must sign up for the sauna. If you sign up for a session and don’t go please cancel your session on zen planner so people on the waiting list get the notification that they can use the sauna.
Shortly here in the future we are switching from paper to paperless retail purchases. This will be done through the I-pad that is attached to the side of the fridge. It will be just as easy as writing your name and selecting the item you want to buy on the clip board. You can still pay with cash too at the desk with a coach. We will have instructions via video on how to do all of this short to come. Thanks and have a great week.