March 30, 2020

Let's WOD together again!

We will continue posting home WOD's on our blog every night, but this week we're also adding three LIVE WOD's on Zoom! We'll post links to participate on our blog the night before each one is scheduled - so be sure to check our website! All you need to attend these WOD's is a camera and a Zoom account.

ZOOM WOD's this week:
Tuesday, March 31st at 12PM w/ Julie
Wednesday, April 1st at 5PM w/ Austin
Saturday, April 4th at 10AM w/ Katy

Also, Tauni has been doing an awesome job leading virtual yoga on Thursday mornings on our instagram page and she'll be back again this week! Tune in this Thursday at 8:30AM for a live 20-minute class!

Colorful Simple Dotted Weekly Calendar-3.png

WOD: 21-15-9-15-21 thrusters and bar facing burpees.

@HOMEWOD: 300 double under (double hip taps), 3k run, 150 walking lunges, 50 burpees

WODMeredith Roethler