March 24, 2020
Got a lot of great stuff today with the at home wod photos! Keep those coming by tagging us! Also if you have any tasty recipes please snap a shot and share with the gym fam!
A lot of the gym equipment is pretty much picked over. Some things we do have left are kb’s over 100lbs :) boxes, wall balls, and rings. I’m still happy to share the toys during what I’m expecting to be a very unpredictable quarantine in terms of time. So with that being said feel free to DM @crossfitkilo2 to schedule a time to come grab anything else.
Wod: LIFT: 5 x 1 Clean + Hang Clean. WOD: This is a 3 part WOD. Part 1: For time Complete 10 rounds for time of 10 Air Squats and 3 muscle ups. Part 2: For time Complete 10 rounds of 5 SDLHP (40/60) and Push Press (40/60). Part 3: 10 rounds for time of 20 double unders and 100m run. Time Cap for entire WOD is 30min. You will have 3 scores.
@HOMEWOD: 3rft: 100 yard side shuffle (change direction every 25yds), 200 yard backwards run, 400 yard run, 20 bench dips, 15 incline push ups, 10 decline push ups, 5 pike push ups.
post work: 3x25 band pull aparts or 3x25 bent over T’s with soup cans (hold for 1s at top)