August 27, 2019

Are you getting enough protein? Check out our new post!

You can find our August newsletter here.

Back-to-School special for students! Unlimited CrossFit for only $90/month. Tell your friends and family headed back to school this Fall!

Bring A Friend day on Saturday, August 31st to 8:30 or 9:30AM WOD only. Please have friends register ahead of time here.

RX: 15 BMU, 10 OHS (95/135), 5 PS (95/135), and 50’ sandbag carry. Time Cap 6min. Then dead lift 6x2 @ 80-90%

Gold: 10 BMU, 10 OHS (75/115), 5 PS (75/115), and 50’ sandbag carry. Time Cap 6min. Then dead lift 6x2 @ 80-90%

Silver: 15 strict pull-ups, 10 OHS (bar), 5 PS (bar), and 50’ sandbag carry. Time Cap 6min. Then dead lift 6x2 @ 80-90%

No Bar: 15 strict pull-ups, 10 DBFS, 5 DBPS/arm, and 50’ sandbag carry. Time Cap 6min. Then dead lift 6x2 @ 80-90%

WODMeredith Roethler