November 4, 2019
The Dryathalon Series is a chance for everyone to showcase some hard work and be apart of a great event that is going to give back. The Dryathalon will include biking, rowing, running, and skiing. We will have two divisions. One division will use the (Assault bike and Assault runner along with the Concept 2 rower and ski erg). The other division will use the (Trueform runner and Concept 2 bike, rower, and ski erg). Depending on what your facility has to work with might dictate what division you want to sign up for. We encourage you to reach out to other facilities that might have that equipment and complete the task there in case yours does not. Competitors participating for the cash prizes will be asked to record their workouts and have integrity with the standards given just like any online competition. More details will come with that later. Please follow our Instagram @dryathalonftk for further information with this event. See you on the leader board!
Be sure to complete your retest for the live well challenge before class this week! Try to arrive 15 min prior to class to complete the test so you’re able to hop into class on time afterward.
15 min to complete 5 rounds for quality of 10 lateral hurdle hops over imaginary target into 1 sled push 10 yards HAF and then do 5 wtd strict pull ups. Then WOD: Ascending by 2 / round starting at 10CTB, 10 alt. DB PS (35/50) 10 min AMRAP.
15 min to complete 5 rounds for quality of 10 lateral hurdle hops over imaginary target into 1 sled push 10 yards HAF and then do 5 wtd strict pull ups. Then WOD: Ascending by 2 / round starting at 10 pull ups, 10 alt. DB PS (35/50) 10 min AMRAP.
15 min to complete 5 rounds for quality of 10 lateral hurdle hops over imaginary target into 1 sled push 10 yards HAF and then do 5 strict pull ups. Then WOD: Ascending by 2 / round starting at 10 jumping pull ups, 10 alt. DB PS (scale) 10 min AMRAP.