March 2, 2021
Big weekend for one of our members! Emma Rifai successfully defended her Religious Studies dissertation! She is now Dr. Emma Rifai! Congratulations Emma from the Kilo2 community. That is an amazing accomplishment and we are all proud of you. Way to go Emma! WHOOOT WHOOOT.
Whole 30 challenge Day 2
The open is approaching! Haven’t heard of it? It is the big event of the year that every gym within the CrossFit community looks forward to as an annual test of fitness. Each year we do what we like to call Friday Night Lights. It is where we all come into the gym and do the workout and cheer each other on Friday evening. It helps bring out the best in people. If you aren’t into the whole competition thing no big deal. You can cheer on your classmates who want to give the open workouts a go and be apart of a fun evening at the gym!
This Sunday, join me for a gymnastics seminar to practice your bar muscle up at 1pm -Aus
5 rounds of 2 Snatch @ 90-95%, 2 FS @ 90-95%, 5 Front rack lunges ES W/ Snatch bar, 5 wtd pull ups. Conduct every lift not later than EOMOM.
5 rounds of 4 SDLHP, 2 FS, 5 FRL with db’s bar, 5 pull ups.