October 27, 2020
Good evening everybody. As you all know we specialize in helping people improve their health/wellness and fitness. Most of our priorities revolve around physical skills and exercises. I would like us to add in an exercise this week that hardly ever gets used any more and it involves our hands. I want us to write a letter to someone else in the gym. It could be a fellow class mate you don’t really know but want to get to know better perhaps. You could write to your training buddy. Or maybe you want to write to a coach? I am challenging you to write (1-2) letters. The first one is to somebody you want to reach out to. The second one is a response to somebody who reached out to you.
Please turn your papers inside an envelope into the coach before class gets started.
Letter1 is due by Friday. Our staff will hand out letters the following Monday and the response letter will be due the following Friday.
P.S. Make sure people can read your handwriting.
Bring a buddy is this Friday. Here is the link for your buddy to sign up before hand. Thanks in advance.
4x4 hps @80% 4x2 @90% every 2 minutes.
3 rebounding broad jumps after each set of hps
30-20-10 ttb and kb walking lunges racked position 30, 20, 10, yds.