April 10, 2021

Quarter Finals Week: We want to congratulate the following athletes who signed up under our affiliate and qualified for quarter finals. The qualifying females you can give a high five too are Deidre Franzen, Amber Knickerbocker, Tauni Doster, Meredith Nedelcoff, and Sabrina Knapp. Way to go ladies! Our fellas that qualified are Austin Nedelcoff, Ben Ketelsen, Micah Casper, Liam Cound, Max Unmacht, Mason Heredia-Pugh, Brett Crandell, and Brian Jones. Good job guys! In total we had 13 athletes qualify + our team that qualified as well. We are looking forward to this week’s workouts that get released on Thursday evening. Everyone on this list placed in the top 10% in the world and our team finished 37th overall in the open. The team qualification for semifinals will begin 2 weeks after the individual qualification this Thursday.

So, of the 10% (6-7 thousand athletes) that made it to this stage, only 120 individuals will move on to semifinals in the North American region. And out of the many teams that made it in the top 25% for teams only the top 80 teams will get through to the semifinals in the North American region. We will keep you up to date as our competitors take on quarterfinals.

WHOLE30 CHALLENGE: In other news we finished up our whole30 challenge and the results were pretty kick ass. Like any regimen you try, if you’re consistent, you will probably see progress. We had loads of progress with our participants. One person in particular was David Anderson and we wanted to shout him out for not only dropping 7.1 pounds but what stood out more was the fact that he gained 10.5 pounds of lean body mass and lost 17.6 pounds of body fat. Great job Dave!

If you want to move forward with more nutritional coaching, email austin@crossfitkilo2.com


Bench Press 4x3 set 1-75% set 2-80% set 3-85% set 4-90%


3 rounds of 5 shspu, 10 db hpc (20/35), 50 double unders


3 rounds of 10 kipping hspu, 10 db stoh (20/35), 50 double unders

Scaled up CFQF Test 1

3 rounds of 10 shspu, 10 db hpc (35/50), 50 double unders


3 rounds of 10 kipping hspu, 10 db stoh (35/50), 50 double unders


3 rounds of 10 hand release push ups, 10 db hpc (20/35), 50 single unders


3 rounds of 10 hand release push ups, 10 db stoh (20/35), 50 single unders.

WODMeredith Roethler