February 9, 2021
This past weekend we had 6 teams compete from Kilo 2 at the CrossFit Circus in Grimes Iowa. This was a very competitive event hosting teams from all across the Mid West. For some of us it was our first event and we learned a lot about competition and ourselves and how we can improve our fitness for sport. For others it wasn’t our first rodeo and recognize there is still a lot of work that needs to be done if we really want to do some cool shit this season when the open rolls around here in a month. I am proud of everyone listed below on the effort they gave. They represented Kilo2 very well. The competition director said this was by far the most competitive the circus competition has ever been. Good job to all of you competitors who threw down this weekend!
Hannah Hoerner and Shriver Caluzzi
Lydia Ernster and former Kilo 2 member Sabrina Knapp
Het Patel and Chase Grim
Katy Dennison and Deidre Franzen
Max Unmacht and Liam Cound
Ben Kettleson and Austin Nedelcoff
WOD:HS 5x1 @ 90-95%
Superset FSx2's from a rack and SDLx3's for 5 sets (not for time) Get into groups of 2+
Intent: maximum strength training.