Our mission is to improve our member's health and fitness through CrossFit. Our WODs are programmed so that we improve MANY different exercises and skills. There is a lot out there we can get good at and we take pride in watching our members thrive in so many different areas of fitness! Part of CrossFit is to be prepared for anything. We want to set the standard very high when it comes to quality movement. We also want to respect your journey through fitness and help you live through your fitness instead of living for fitness. We know consistency yields the best results and if you're consistently doing the right things in and out of the gym, you're going to be on a well paved path to extraordinary health and fitness. But maybe you're looking for a little bit more help in 1 or 2 areas. Perhaps you really want to accelerate your ability to be able to do a strict pull up and know that over time in class it will come but you are willing to put in some extra work to see that magic happen a bit sooner. If so check out the questionnaire below. We've put together a few things that may present an opportunity.
Click here to check out the questionnaire.