March 10, 2020
Click here if you want to fill out a self progress report.
LIFT: 20min to find 1RM of Back Squat and OHP.
WOD: AMRAP 12min. 5yd HSW, 10BMU, 5yd HSW, 20 PC (105/155), 5yd HSW, 30 KB Swings (55/70), 5yd HSW, 40 BFSU
Click here if you want to fill out a self progress report.
LIFT: 20min to find 1RM of Back Squat and OHP.
WOD: AMRAP 12min. 5yd HSW, 10BMU, 5yd HSW, 20 PC (105/155), 5yd HSW, 30 KB Swings (55/70), 5yd HSW, 40 BFSU