March 31, 2020


Get free nutrition guidance.

For the next week we're making free personal eating plans for current gym members.⁠ ⁠

Last year we (Austin and Meredith) both took a course in nutrition so we could better understand good nutrition for ourselves and help others, too.

Simply fill out our nutrition intake form and we'll send you a personalized 30-day plan that will guide you to:⁠ ⁠

-Eat the right foods, in the right amounts⁠

-Understand portion sizes⁠

-Improve food choices and build better eating habits⁠

Click here to fill out the form.

Tuesday Zoom WOD:

Starts at 12PM w/ Coach Julie

Click here to join our Zoom WOD!

Meeting ID: 291 293 8103

@HOMEWOD: 14min EMOM style.

Every minute will begin with 1 wall walk.

On the even minutes you will do 14-20 lateral hops over an imaginary hurdle. Note- this exercise is meant to have you tuck your knees up towards your hips/chest as if you were hopping completely over a box.

On the odd minutes you will do 14-20 s/a alt. sdl high pulls with a db or kb. If you have a wall ball you can do med ball cleans. If you are without equipment your exercise is a squat jumps.

WOD: 400m Walking Lunges w/ 2 DB(35/50)

WODMeredith Roethler