March 25, 2020

It was nice to see the sun come out this afternoon. If it is out tomorrow and you missed out on it today, go catch some rays and absorb a little natural vitamin D.

WOD: LIFT: 5x3 Back Squats S.S. w/ wtd Pull Ups 70-90%. WOD: 20min AMRAP of 10 alt pistols, 30 KB Swings 35/55, 30 Butterfly Sit Ups, 10 Hand Release Push Ups. 


A. 3 rounds of 20s lower body nerve floss, 20 second hollow hold, 20s hip bridge.

B. 4x15 odd object dead lifts (find something moderate set 1, then challenging for final 3 sets to pick up off floor to the hips). In video Iā€™m sumo deadlifting the end of a couch. An easy way to LOAD it heavier is to put something on the near seat cushion ;)

C. 30 alternating foot behind leg pistols, 30 alternating step ups to a (bench/box/chair), 30 feet together air squats squats, 30 v-ups, 30 straight leg sit ups, 30 butterfly sit ups. 24s of each. 18ā€™s of each.

WODMeredith Roethler