February 22, 2020

Check out our February newsletter

Check out the WODAPALOOZA leaderboard here.

Katy, Deidre, Mac, and Max are in the RX Team division as team CrossFit Kilo 2

Luke and Streat on in the Elite Team division as team GOWOD

Happy Saturday!

WOD at 7, 8, and 9AM

OLY at 7:30AM

CrossFit Camp at 10:30AM

WOD: 4 rounds for time of 15 CTB, 15 On and Over Box Jumps 20/24, and 15 Deadlifts(155/225). Cap 15min. Rest 5min. Then, EMOM for 10min complete 1 Leglees Rope Climb and 5 HSPU.

WODMeredith Roethler