October 10, 2019
Check out our October news here!
The CrossFit Games Open starts this week! No PM classes on Friday for the next 5 weeks - instead we’ll be running heats for anyone who wants to come in to complete the Open workout. (You do NOT need to be signed up for the online Open to come!) Heats will begin at 4PM and we’ll continue until everyone is done. We WILL have morning classes at their regular times - these classes will also be doing the Open workout!
Join us this Saturday afternoon for a Hawkeye tailgate at the gym! We’ll be at the gym at 5PM with a grill. BYO meat and drinks. We’ll show the game on a projector screen - kick-off is at 6:30PM! #gohawks!
Sweat & Stretch at 8AM & noon today!
WOD 1: 3 rounds of 20 cal row, 50 double unders. Rest 1 min. WOD 2: 21-15-9 HSPU and Front Squats 65/95. Rest 1 min. Remaining time AMRAP Burpees.
WOD 1: 3 rounds of 20 cal row, 30 double unders. rest 1min. WOD 2: 15-12-9 HSPU and Front Squats (30/40). Rest 1min. with remaining time AMRAP Burpees
WOD 1: 3 rounds of 20 cal row, 50 Single unders. rest 1min. WOD 2: 21-15-9 Push Ups and Front Squats (Bar) Rest 1min. with remaining time AMRAP Burpees