September 4, 2019
Check out our September news here!
Don’t forget to check the schedule over for this week. We’ve added some classes but Thursday and Friday are a bit different!
September Check-In Challenge - every time you come to class check-in to CrossFit Kilo 2 on Facebook or tag us on instagram! You could win a FREE 2lb bag of Ascent Protein!
RX: For time complete the following: 100 Double Unders, 50 Air Squats, 1 rope climb (19'), 50 push ups, 1 rope climb, 50 box Jumps (20/24) 1 Rope Climb, 50 buterfly sit ups, 1 rope climb, 100 Cal Row. Time Cap 18min
Gold: For time complete the following: 50 Double Unders (15'), 50 Air Squats, 1 rope climb, 50 push ups, 1 rope climb, 50 box Jumps (20/24) 1 Rope Climb, 50 buterfly sit ups, 1 rope climb, 100 Cal Row.
Silver: For time complete the following: 100 Single Unders, 50 Air Squats, 1 rope climb (lying on floor), 50 incline push ups, 1 rope climb, 50 box Jumps (plates) 1 Rope Climb, 50 buterfly sit ups, 1 rope climb, 100 Cal Row.
No Bar: For time complete the following: 100 Single Unders, 50 Air Squats, 1 rope climb (lying on floor), 50 incline push ups, 1 rope climb, 50 box Jumps (plates) 1 Rope Climb, 50 buterfly sit ups, 1 rope climb, 100 Cal Row.