August 6, 2019
Childcare Update: Childcare will only be available at 5:15 PM and 9:30AM on Saturdays beginning this month!
Swim WOD this Saturday, August 10th at 8AM at City Park Pool! There will NOT be OLY or 8:30/9:30 AM WOD at the gym.
RX: 45min clock DL and OHP 5-5-3-3-3-3 70-90%. 4x8 Strict Pull Ups, DB Bentover rows, DB Upright Rows.
Gold: 45min clock DL and OHP 5-5-3-3-3-3 70-90%. 4x8 Strict Pull Ups, DB Bentover rows, DB Upright Rows.
Silver: 45min clock DL and OHP 6x5. 4x8 Strict Pull Ups, DB Bentover rows, DB Upright Rows.
No Bar: 45min clock KBDL and DB OHP. Strict Pull Ups, DB Bentover rows, DB Upright Rows.