We love drop-ins!

Click HERE to purchase a day pass

Click HERE to purchase a week pass

Monthly event!

Click HERE to register for our “bring a friend” day.

*Scroll down to events and look for the (bring a friend) event.

Drop in Hours Below:

5am to 7pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday.

7am to 12pm Saturday

Thursday & Sunday are our programmed rest days. However you can still attend an open gym workout if you schedule with us in advance so we know you’re coming. Contact info is below.

As a drop-in you can join a class or do your own thing. Just keep in mind that scheduled classes get first dibs on equipment. You can view our class schedule here.

Drop in Fee:

$20 for a 1-day pass

$40 for a 1-week pass

Please call us at 319-895-2826 or email austin@crossfitkilo2.com with any questions.